This is the real thing. It was built in the 1920s or 1930s. It came into the Hoffman family in 1976, and we have been enjoying it at least one week a year every since. The first week we spent here, Sarah was almost 2 yrs. old and Nick was 3 weeks old. Sarah was 35 on August 31, and Nick was 33 on July 27.
A couple of hundred feet from the back porch is the dock.
A couple of hundred feet from the back porch is the dock.
This is a look at the swim beach at the north end of the lake. It was in the chilly low 70's in the middle of the week when I took this picture. By Friday the place had several groups that spent the day swimming and picnicking there.
This is evening back at the cabin dock on that same chilly day.
The summer of 2007, forest fires burned near the lake from July 17 to the middle of August. This is a view from the trail that runs along the south end of the lake. By linking several trails together we are able to hike around the lake. It takes us about 2hr. and 45min. This trip is pretty much a daily routine that starts mid-morning on most days.
It was near this nest tree. We've seem them here in past years also.
Some years we could see the young in the nest. This year we saw nothing. It seemed like there might be a sad story here this year. Why would one adult hang around an empty nest?
The cabin has a beautiful stone fireplace, and is furnished with many of the pieces that were here when the Hoffman family took over. Some of it looks like it may have been here from the very beginning. What I didn't get was a picture of the huge wood cook stove in the kitchen. We are going back in a few weeks. I'll get some more pictures then.