Monday, October 11, 2010

A Week at the Cabin, One Month Later

In the mid-morning light with the fall colors.
Most of the color is from huckleberry bushes.
The lake trail.

Gordon, Sue and Mary Lou on the trail around the lake.
The last climb. At the top of this rise the cabin is visible through the trees.

The view over the wood pile.

This is how I moored the boat all week. This is our 15 ft. Snipe class sailboat. It's is new to the family, and will require some practice.

On the weekend Gordon and Sue Stands joined us for the hike, and here Gordon and I are leaving the dock for a little sailing adventure.

The wind was generally light, but every five to ten minutes we would get a blast coming over the leeward hill that ranged between a pleasant turn of speed or a frightening gust.

Mary Lou took all of these photos from the dock.

Fall was in the air, and we hit it just right. We had clear warm days, with cool starry nights. The fall colors were coming on strong. Mary Lou and I made the three hour hike around the lake every day, sailed in the afternoons, then finished each day down on the dock watching the stars come out.
We are so blessed!