Friday, January 22, 2010

On Foot With a Camera

This is some of the cover. The birds tend to stay near these creek banks.

Nice classy point...front foot raised and everything.

This gives you an idea of how good the cover is.

Still chasing those hens. Point, then move up. We did this four or five times.

They don't look too solid. They really don't know where the bird is. They're just being careful.

Where is that bird?

I went to Warner Siding carrying just a camera. In some ways it is more enjoyable than when I have a gun. Without the gun there is no pressure to get the shot off. I can just watch the situation unfold. I didn't run into any other hunters. Nor did I have to pay attention to "NO HUNTING" signs. These are good pictures, but most of them were taken while we were chasing the same two hens.


  1. Those are some good pictures. The third or fifth one almost frame worthy.

  2. Very nice photos, Stan. They're making me jealous.
