Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Snake River Breaks

My friend Rob invited me to tag along while he and his friend Mel hunted chukars above the snake river south of Pullman. I welcomed the chance to look over some ground that would be new and different. In the past I have done some horse back riding in the area, but I have never hiked over any of it with a shotgun in my hand.

The other two guys had young strong Shorthairs, while I had my two rather plump dogs. We newcomers got tired pretty fast.

The pictures will tell all that is worth knowing. I felt like I was hunting in the Himalayas with the fog swirling below us.

There are two dogs in this picture. Can you find them?

The stairs were pretty steep in places.

As far as I could tell this was a natural rock formation.

We saw a few birds, shot none, got a great workout with a spectacular view.

                                                     Thanks Mel and Rod for a great trip!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful setting! Makes we want to walk along that rim.
